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Mo tanya dlm 1 or 2 hari psg braces sng ka mo bersakap. Nnti sa psg sa x buli bersakap pula... Sa mo pastikan sa kna ambil mc 1 minggu atau 3 hari?
ReplyDeleteDaling..xpyh ambil mc. Blh bercakap mcm besa..cuma mgkn first day x brapa viasa. Heheh
Deletesheryyy jadi mau cuci gigi mcm mana? cmna mau berus gigi. haha. ntah apa2 soalan. tabah ja la
ReplyDeleteHahaha.. ada berus khas dia kana bg..alaaa..lupa pula mau post sini..nti sy post next post la. Haha
Deletedan mcm na proses mau smbung study. ko ambil degree ka? mohon entry psl jd student jg. hee. sbb sy ada plan mo ambik degree ba but have to wait until 3 years service. skrg baru mau masuk 2 tahun -__-
ReplyDeleteIya..sy ambil degree yg tah apa2 ja ni. Smrbg ja bil.. hmmm..mcm klu sambung study xpyh tunggu 3 tahun tu.. post basic ja 3 tahun
Deleteapa degree ko ambil d ums? macam sy pun berminat oo...
ReplyDeleteAhha. Psychology ja
DeleteAhha. Psychology ja
Deletebuli tanya klinic dr.faiz dekat mna ah?
ReplyDeleteputatan. di depan permai poliklinik saja. :)
Deleteputatan. di depan permai poliklinik saja. :)
Deletemcm sa mau bt pula braces ni tau bgni.... mereng baini gigi.. cilakak btul.. haha
ReplyDeletepigi laaa. hihi
DeleteHai. Ko ada ka number klinik dr faiz ni. Law pegi klinik tu utk 1st time buli ka pegi ja trus or maw kol buat appoinment dlu? Heheh
ReplyDeletesy p sana dulu terus ja p. klu xda ramai orang drng layan juga. hehe. 088-734 039
Deletehaiii.. price rate for each type of braces tu cover untuk bhgian atas shj atau atas-bawah?? tq :)
ReplyDeleteYg dinyatakan di atas tu adalah dua-dua. Atas bawah ounya prize. Sorry lambat reply
Deletehello! very informative after reading your experience to get your braces.. i didn't know that you have to go through all these procedures before finally getting the braces on =) I have obe question though, how often do you have to go back to the dentist to tighten the wire / check up? Thank you again and i'm so glad you are willing to share your experience with us =D
ReplyDeleteHello wen nie..sorry it took me soooooo long to reply u.. i have appointment with the clinic once in a month.. usually dr faiz will cuci my teeth every appointment for free and tighten my teeth. :)
DeleteHi. Wah tq for sharing! kalo mw buat bhg atas sja ada kna mention ka brp drg cas ?hihihihi. Mmg blapis2 la.ada tu taring lg. Tp bhg bwh ok xpyh susun kali..huu
ReplyDeletehello. tq for visiting. emm.. kalau yg berlapis2 mgkn durng perlu cabut tu yg lain... tp dr.faiz ckp haritu usually dia x suka mencabut gigi dia akan try kasi jark the gigi then kasi lurus. ko blh try p sana la.. durang bg free consultation juga tu heheh
DeleteHalo mandak. Siou ni anteh kotinggalan jaman baru nampak ni postingsn ko psal braces. Im totally clueless regarding this so i will have to ask just to be sure. Tu prices yg ko stated tu memang for both barisa gigi atas & bawah atau salah satu ja? Nnt skali baru sy mo bebajet trus tekana strok ni anteh lepas tau pricing utk 1 line gigi ja..
ReplyDeleteHello mandak..siou lambat sy reply..anuuu.. atas bawah.. klinik dr.faiz mcm xda buat atas saja atau bawah saja..pakej durang 2 2.. tp as stated by c anonymous d bawah ni sblh klinik dr faiz ada offer atas/bawah ja. :)
Deletesy tolong reply,since sy pun mau buat braces d sna dr faiz, sudah sy tnya sna teda buat single,memang buat atas bwh tu 5K, di sebelah klinik dr faiz ada buat single tu 3.5K klinik putatan
ReplyDeleteHehe..tqtq tlg reply..sy pn xtau ada klinik braces d sblh.. hehehe
DeleteHi, yg untuk X-ray d HQE & Model study tu berapa kos dia?
ReplyDeleteHelloooo.. aaa..sy xdpt bantu dr segi hrga xray.. actually because i'm a government staff so sy bt free. Tolak dr graduty. Model stidy tu mcm masuk hrga braces. Hehehe
DeleteHi lilie! First time sy npk post ko. Sgt menarik! Anuu,ada sy mau tya baini hehe mmndgkn sy student jd sy trgerak hati mau tya, msa sy scroll2 ni comment, ko da ckp ko ambl degree psychology trus ko blg g ko gov staff d HQE, bole ksi spesifik pa kja ko? Tq
Deleteis it necessarily mau pegi xray ka ? dr faiz ada cakap tidak xray pun tidak apa ? pasal saya dia offer macam tu . T.T" would like to see more perkembangan pasal your braces dengan dr faiz. hehehe . before saya punya turn xD
ReplyDeleteHurmmmmmm.. not sure la klu bole xda xray..i think sbb mo tgok bentuk tulang gigi ja ba tu.. mgkn dr npk ko pnya gigi mcm ok bentuk tulang jd dia x perlu xray. Heheheh..nti sy update! Xlama lg sy mo buka suda braces sy. Excited!!
DeleteHurmmmmmm.. not sure la klu bole xda xray..i think sbb mo tgok bentuk tulang gigi ja ba tu.. mgkn dr npk ko pnya gigi mcm ok bentuk tulang jd dia x perlu xray. Heheheh..nti sy update! Xlama lg sy mo buka suda braces sy. Excited!!
DeleteHello miss..cuci gigi perlu buat appointment x?rm85 kn ?
ReplyDeleteSa mo tanya... ada tahap2 umur ka mo pki braces ni... sy ni 34 Sudah... tp teringin mau atur itu gigi...
ReplyDeleteTq jgak ooo ko sharing ni experience... mcm semangat plak sy mo bikin... hahahha...
Deletesure ada ba.. jangan risau umur 40 on masih blh bt klu gigi sihat.. asal gigi kuat dan tahan sakit. hehe
Deletehello, smua total buat braces brp harga?
ReplyDelete6k for braces. tmbh cost before braces dlm rm500 jg la..so total 6500.
Deleterecommendedka tempat tu? lpas smua procedure yang kena buat?
ReplyDeletei truly recommend it. sebab there's once time i lose one of my steel. sepatutny order baru but then dr.faiz sangat aik hati. dia ambil saja besi yang customer lama dia x guna for me.
Deletehery, follow my new blog here. thank you. :)
Hai sis..cuci Gigi sama tampal,tmasuk d deposit Ka tu ?
ReplyDeleteemmm.. unfortunately no. x termasuk. the 6K tu hanya harga besi. huhu
Deletehey, do visit my new blog here.
Hai sis..cuci Gigi sama tampal,tmasuk d deposit Ka tu ?
ReplyDeletehi there, unfortunately no. x termasuk. tampal rm45/tooth tapi blh buat di klinik kerajaan kalau mau jimat. cuci rm85 x termasuk depo.
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Hello sis...6k bayar cash kaa tuu...tau time trmnt jaa baru bayar...mahal baa tuu
ReplyDeleteHee tulung jwb..ikut yg sis ni tulis,ko deposit 2k dulu utk braces yg 6k tu..then byr ansur 2 setiap kali review with dentist
Deleteyesss. betul.
Deletetp depend dgn depo ko. depo sy 3k so monthly sy rm200. hihi
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Halu..mo tnya ba yg self ligating braces tu bepa monthly dy?proses before mo pasang braces tu brpa lama mo siap?1 hari or more? Thanks
ReplyDeleteactually depends on your deposit. saya bagi 3k depo sor monthly sy 200. tp kalau bagi 2k depo monthly 300. no interest charges, so berapa2 depo pn tetap sama juga jumlah keseluruhan yang ko bayar,
Deletehey do subscribe my new blog here.
thank you
ada. tapi kids usually buat after gigi kekal dia semua tumbuh la mungkin around 14 years old..x berapa sure. first day sangat sangat sangat sakit. tapi lama2 biasa suda.
ReplyDeletefor kids actually boleh try d government. murah tapi dorang tengok perlu buat atau x perlu buat dulu sbb very murah. almost free. dorang guna traditionaly braces saja dan masa menunggu giliran utk dipasang tu dlm 2 hingga 3 tahun la. hihi
thanks, share pengalaman buat braces ni. dapat juga info pasal ni. saya pun tengah fikir nak buat rawatan ni, tapi x da masa nak turun naik klinik tanya tentang kos dan prosedur. nice,gbu .
ReplyDeletePemasangan veneer gigi brapa kos tu di Sabah?
ReplyDeletePemasangan veneer gigi brapa kos tu di Sabah?
ReplyDeletehai ... klo mau buat crowning utk sbtg gigi brpa kos tu ah ?
ReplyDeleteHii brapa rm klau mau psg braces atas bawa, gigi yg atas bawah berlapis2?
ReplyDeleteSis mna lg murah d dr. Faiz atau hspital krjaan?
ReplyDeleteHi...klinik ni ada buat GDL mdical chck up kh?
ReplyDeleteSis Di sabah klinik kerajaan yang boleh pasang braces dimana ya?
ReplyDeletekalau 'bonding teeth' / veneer berapa ya .
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