Friday, February 21, 2014

Bebeh to be... heol!

this is the conversation i had with my male friend today.

"i am thinking of growing my hair again, mau nampak bebeh-bebeh kenen"

"No need la. Your personality match with short hair. Panjang rambut pun kalau ganas tetap tidak nampak macam babeh tu"

"Saya mingayu-ayu la.."

"Tetap juga ko tidak boleh mengaburi mata saya with your long hair!"

" gia?? It's okay, at least i can fool other people yang tidak kenal saya! wahahahahaha"

"what??!!! hahahahah"

this is funny for me. 
most of my friends especially my male friends told me to keep my short hair since it's match with my personality konon. 
i don't know if it's true or not but 5 of my friends told me the same thing when i mention about growing my hair. 
i like short hair but i am getting bored with the same hairstyle for more than 2 years.
so, there's nothing will stop me.
not even my BF.
i am growing my hair again!
bebeh to be kenen!

aaaaaand hoi! hoi! 
i am not that ganas baaa...
boleh juga menjadi ayu bah ni geng.
dalam hati ada ke-bebeh-an jg. 

saya ikut unduk ngadau lai ni tahun, baru kamu tau betapa bebehnya saya.

l i l i e


  1. ko rambut pendek pun bebeh juga bah.. tidak kira rambut panjang ka pendek bah tu haha

    1. Ahahah..ya ba dodo.. Tp kalau pjg nampak lebih bebeh konon sbb npk ayu2.. Hahahahah.. Kekeke

  2. Haluu..sya suka ni klu pasal bebeh2 hahaha harini topik sya sama geng2 karas sya pasal bibir yg bebeh dipersilakan grow your hair ya..yakin jak ko mmg bebeh haha

    1. Hahahah. Ya oh.. Bibir pun penting tu dr segi menjadi bebeh yg berjaya. Ya.. Yakin semua kita boleh jd bebeh! Haha

  3. Replies
    1. Ahahaha... Itu la tujuan tu judith..mau kenipu org.. Hahahah

  4. kiut ba ko pindik rambut mandak ;) tp klu ko kasi pjg rambut mmg akan ayu-ayu gitu..hehe.. terus sa rindu time sa pjg rambut bah.. huhu

    1. Sama la!! Sy pn rindu suda rambut pjg.. Jomla kita kasi pjg rambut balik..jadi bebeh2 forever. Ahahha

  5. u're pretty with short hair, but i still remember seeing u with beautiful long hair & white dress (on a gath, remember?)..and u looked stunning! ^^

    1. Awww..aemy thank u.. Bah semangat lai ni mau kasi pjg rambut! Hahaha

  6. dua2 ok...dua2 tatap santik..biar pindik biar panjang..yg plg sy sokong GO GO GO GO UNDUK NGADAU!!!!!!!!! sila ambil borang dari si QUINTON ASAP!! hehehehehe msti ikut..bukan mau manang..tapi cari pengalaman..dan konfiden. muax bebeh hehe XOXO

    1. Buahaha..kiko.. sy baru tau mau ambil borang tpt quinton lg ka pula tu.. C stacy suru sy ikut ni nga mgkn perlukan sedikit masa lg utk berfikir. Ehehe.. Ok kik!

  7. I was born with all the boys around. So my character ganaz ganaz lah I would say. It became more obvious when I entered high school. I could never keep my hair long and perhaps that was the reason why I never have a boyfriend back then. Except when I was Form 1 and that was it.

    So, I tried to changed myself. Keeping up with long hair and toned down my voice like a babeh. But it never suit my personality.

    I was like losing my own self for quite some times just because I am trying to please people. Ha-Ha,lucky I soon realized.

    1. as for me, i don't know why most of my friend categorize me as perempuan ganas. because most of my friends since small pun all girls juga.. and i used to think i am feminine until everyone told me i am not as feminine as i thought. haha.

      but true, it is the best to be ourself and be happy! :)


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