Recently as my friend was in a relationship crisis with her boyfriend and i unofficially become a love counselor.
she asked me a lot about what she should do, should she ask for breakup or not, how should she handle breakup, how should she reply her bf texts and some sort of things that often left me think back about my past.
when she ask me
"should i leave him?"
i stopped for a while.
honestly i hesitate to answer her question.
"should i leave him?"
i stopped for a while.
honestly i hesitate to answer her question.
if your man hurt you badly, leave him.
real man won't hurt his girl but protect her!
that should be the good advise.
but flashing back my relationship before, i hurt a lot too and still sticking with the same boyfriend also bah.
it's not easy for myself to just leave someone that i'm in love with, so how can i expect other?
i mean,when you advise people, you should walk the talk bah kan.
'forget him and move on'
are not as easy as you say it!
it's killing us!
especially the girls.
but thank God i been through so many heart broken and still living my life happily now.
'forget him and move on'
are not as easy as you say it!
it's killing us!
especially the girls.
but thank God i been through so many heart broken and still living my life happily now.
often when i'm in a heartbroken mode, i keep telling myself this;
'keep falling in love'
i met with wrong guy, stupidly fall in love, got hurt (because i'm trying my best to keep the relationship yang konon-kononnya sangat sejati, chiss), still end up with breakup, heartbroken for few months, and then met with mr.wrong/right again, easily fall in love again,
and it's goes on and on until you finally meet your mr.right.
i believe i that.
macam lagu si pink,
you gotta get up and try try try.
you never know the power of falling in love again.
heal you faster!
not only falling in love with person, you could fall in love with one of your hobbies or your job maybe.
up to you.
but never stop loving.
obviously,i didn't tell my friend to leave her boyfriend and move on.
what i did tell her is that the hardest part of forgiving is to trust her boyfriend again and to make sure he wouldn't hurt her again.
1 week after that she told me that she's giving her bf another chance.
and she's ready to accept whatever the consequences after this.
so, really, the choice is yours.
plus everyone deserve a second chance, aye?. :)
Now, i'm in love with someone that i think is the right guy, but then you know when you are in love everything feels right.
so,nothing that i can really confirm for now.
the only thing that i can confirm is that i am in it, and i am trying my best to keep it.
so, whatever happen in the end if you did your best, there should't be any regret.
chayok lilie!
another p/s.
one of the mr.wrong guy text me recently.
he actually already text me a few times before i decided to reply him.
and little did i know that i actually miss him being my friend.
gosh,relationship has really ruin our friendship!
glad to have him back as a friend.
l i l i e j o h n
chayok lilie!
one of the mr.wrong guy text me recently.
he actually already text me a few times before i decided to reply him.
and little did i know that i actually miss him being my friend.
gosh,relationship has really ruin our friendship!
glad to have him back as a friend.
l i l i e j o h n